Saturday, February 17, 2018

10 Facts of Being a Teenager

Life as a teenager is not easy at all. Everything is changing both physically and emotionally and yet we are push in to the most difficult situations in our life, discovering heartbreak, anxiety, low self-esteem and peer pressure. 

So, here are the 5 negative facts of being a teenager:

  • Peer pressure- All a teenager wants is to fit in. For that, they often listen to their friends and take the wrong decisions. They do things that they do not really want to do, just to feel accepted. While there are few who survive this, many ruin their lives this way. ( 

  • No one takes you seriously- Teenage is when you are expected to behave like adults but are treated like kids. People assume that teenagers are up to no good and can never make sensible decisions. ( 

  • Hormones- Like school wasn’t making it hard enough, you get hit by puberty. Your body starts changing, your hormones make you feel weird, you get pimples and acne. Also, teenage angst. (

  • Bullying. Fellow teenagers can be so cruel. Bullying goes on at all ages and in all locations but the intensity of it during school years can be seriously traumatic and there are very few people that escape those years without falling victim to it. With peer pressure forcing you to conform to standards and hobbies or face a backlash, teenage life is a minefield. And the bombs are particularly nasty if when you step on them. (

  • Huge expectations. ‘Fail your GCSEs and get into university or life is over and you’ll gather dust on a checkout’ is basically the message hammered home by teachers and parents. The terror of failing and facing a bleak future of no income and no pride results in sleepless nights and serious spells of anxiety. ( 

And because there are a lot of things going on, we tend to forget why being a teenager is also great, that it is a beautiful period of our lives to know and discover and be the best version ourselves.

Besides all the drawbacks that come with adolescence, there are lots of bright perks of being a teenager. Here are the 5 facts why being a teenager is great: 

  • Teen years come with exploration opportunities. It is absolutely acceptable for teens to change their hairdos or fashion style whenever they feel like it because after all, we have to try it all before we find one that depicts our true selves. We call those periods of change ‘phases’ and we all go through them, no matter how embarrassing it is to look back at them. (

  • Life filled with exciting things. For some, teenage years are the peak of their lifetimes, which is understandable. Your teen years are filled with your ‘firsts’: your first concert, first real relationship, first car, etc. There are lots of exciting things you can look forward to in the period of adolescence. During adulthood, our lives usually normalize and revolve around a routine; therefore, there is not much room for excitement. (

  • Room for mistakes. What is great about being a teenager is that you have more room to make mistakes. Chances are that you won’t be penalized for not knowing better, because you don’t yet fully develop common sense. Therefore, adolescence is a learning experience, which can be viewed as practice before you are launched into a real world on your own. (

  •  More freedom, less responsibilities. Another one of the perks of being a teenager is finally having freedom and control over your life. There is more flexibility in taking on a hobby and hanging out with friends because your parents are there to support you. They loosen their grasp on your life and finally let you make the decision on your own. (

  • The memories you make- Whatever stupid and crazy things you do in your teenage, you will remember. When you grow up and the world seems grey, these memories will make things better. You’ll also want to kick yourself for being really stupid but that’s fun too. (

10 Facts of Being a Teenager

Life as a teenager is not easy at all. Everything is changing both physically and emotionally and yet we are push in to the most diffi...